About me!
Hello, I’m blossom, the webmaster of this site. I created this website as a way to share my many interests with all of you! I have many and interests and hobbies, the main among them being, art, reading, fashion, and film. This website is the place where I talk about all the things I love and share my thoughts with the world. Enjoy!
About the blog!
I first started using neocities as a way to learn to code. I had no real interest in making a website, but rather, learning how to code. After the layout of my website was created, I was left with a website that I was unsure of what to do with. I tried many things over the years, from a full description of me and everything I love, to a place for recipes and theory’s on film. Throughout the process of figuring out what web-design was right for me, it became clear to me that all I focused on was the things I cared -truly- about. So the moon blog was born, behind the theme of the moon, lies a creative outlet for me to talk about all the things I love to do and all of the things I take interest in learning more about. One of these things, for me, is coding. For I am still no expert on code and learn more about it everyday. It is not an easy experience and can be quite frustrating at times, but I’ve learned to keep working with it and every mistake I make teaches me how to do better next time.