About me!
Hello, I’m blossom, the webmaster of this site. I created this website as a way to share my many interests with all of you! I have many and interests and hobbies, the main among them being art, reading, and film. This website is the place where I talk about all the things I love and share my thoughts with the world. Enjoy!
About the blog!
I first began using neocities in 2022. I was interested in learning to code and used neocities to create my very first website. The process was not easy, with many up ands downs, but eventually I was able to finish my website. Throughout the many years I’ve spent on this website I’ve changed the design of my own web many times to adjust to my growing need of keeping an interest in the process. I realized I didn’t really have anything to showcase on my website and decided to use it as an outlet for all my thoughts on different topics. Thus the moon blog was born. Behind the theme of the moon lies a creative outlet and a place for me to express my feelings towards the things that I enjoy. Enjoy browsing through my many articles, on matters that interest me, my film reviews and theories, and thoughts on fashion.